
Can you distinguish among the three methods for using sources in your research paper?

See if you can recognize examples of the three methods for integrating source information. First read the paragraph below. Then match each passage with the label that best describes its approach.

Banjo Once they were relocated to the Americas, the people who had played the banjo's predecessors found themselves in a very different physical environment. As Efflong points out, "African slaves did not have access to or the purchasing power to acquire such instruments and subsequently had to create the ones they used." The materials used to create the instrument were different from the materials available in Africa. In the colonies, hardwoods, domesticated animal hairs, and even some metals were utilized in banjo construction. The instrument's use, however, varied little from its origins as a mechanism for bringing communities together.


using a direct quote


The enslaved people brought to the Americas found themselves in a very different world. They no longer had access to traditional banjos or the ability to buy them, so they had to make their own. They had to use different materials than what they could use in Africa. In America, they used wood, hairs from domesticated animals, and even metal to make their banjos. However, banjos were still used to bring communities together.

Because the enslaved people brought to America no longer had access to traditional banjos, they had to make their own out of locally available materials. However, the new banjos were still used to bring communities together.

The enslaved people brought to the Americas created their own new banjos out of "hardwoods, domesticated animal hairs, and even some metals." This created a new kind of instrument that was particular to America.

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