
What is a reciprocal?

You know that a fraction has both a numerator and denominator. The denominator is the number of parts a whole has been cut into, and the numerator represents the number of parts you are interested in. You must place the numerator and denominator in a certain order to create the fraction you are looking for. Read through this slide show to learn more.

Write a fraction that has the number 17 as the numerator and the number 20 as the denominator.

When you reverse the order of the numerator and the denominator, you create that fraction's reciprocal.

What is the reciprocal of the fraction \( \frac{17}{20} \)?

You can also find the reciprocal of whole numbers. Except zero. Zero is a whole number, but zero does not have a reciprocal.

What is the reciprocal of the number 52?

Reciprocals are a simple concept, but it is important to understand their definition and to practice finding reciprocals. Practice finding the reciprocal of a number by completing the activity below. Read the given number and find its reciprocal, then click the number to check your answer.