
How was America different from any other country in the world?

multicultural teens in single file The United States was a huge experiment; a nation formed by people who came together from many different countries. Nobody really knew whether it would work or not. There have certainly been problems along the way, but overall it seems to have worked out extremely well. This diversity contributes to who we are, both as a country and as individuals. Americans have a wide variety of beliefs and values, but they are united in the common belief that each person has a right to be respected as an individual and to think and act as a free, independent human being.

You probably know many people whose ancestors come from a different country from your own relatives. You may know people whose ancestors came to America in the very early days, seeking a new way of life. You may also know people who have come to America only recently, maybe even in the last few years. The United States is still a place where people come for new freedom and opportunity.