
Analyze Thaddeus Stevens' address to Congress.

Thaddeus Stevens in photo by famed Civil War photographer Mathew Brady.

Thaddeus Stevens in photo by famed Civil War photographer Mathew Brady.

Radical Reconstructionist Thaddeus Stevens made a proposal to Congress in 1867. Click the Read Me button to read the passage. Then answer the questions that follow.

While this exercise is not graded, it will help you on quizzes and exams later in the unit—and your teacher can tell whether you have attempted the exercise.

Identifying the main ideas as you read will help you understand and remember historical events. To identify the main idea of a passage, figure out the purpose of the passage. What picture is the author presenting? Look for important details and try to determine how they are related to each other.

What is the subject of Thaddeus Stevens’ address to Congress?

According to Stevens, what obstacles make it difficult or impossible for formerly enslaved African Americans to achieve real independence?

What does Stevens warn might happen if the situation of formerly enslaved African Americans does not improve?

What is the main idea of Stevens’ address to Congress?

Your Responses Sample Answers

The subject of Stevens' address is how to improve the lives of African Americans.

Stevens believed that a lack of education held back African Americans.

He believed that they would be driven to rebellion.

Stevens' main idea is that African Americans needed help achieving economic independence.