
What should you do at the very beginning of a research project?

girl holding large book, looking up in thoughtFor a research project of any kind, it's best to start with a question that will help focus your search for information. Without a research question, you're likely to waste time looking at sources that will not necessarily help you finish the project.

Typically, a research report in an advanced course requires you to focus on a particular subject. The assignment may even include one or more questions that you'll need to answer or a problem that you need to solve. For these assignments, your research question may emerge naturally from the assignment itself.

As you read or re-read the assignments below, try to think of a question that would help you find the information you'll need to draw some original conclusions about the topic. Then click the assignment to compare your question idea to ours.

Assignment Research Question
Explain how a particular technology has changed the American way of life.
Analyze a change in the federal government's approach to protecting public health.
Describe how Americans' ideas about space travel have changed since 1900.
Identify an object, word, or phrase that is used to symbolize what it means to be an American. Analyze the meaning of the symbol throughout the country's history.

You may have noticed that each research question includes more specific information than the assignment itself, such as which invention (television) or which symbolic phrase ("founding fathers"). What effect does this additional information have on the research topic?

It narrows the focus of the topic.


Once you identify a research question to guide your exploration of the topic, can you change it all?

Absolutely! As long as your question will help you meet the requirements of the assignment, you can change it. However, any major changes to your topic should occur early in the research process.