
There is another way to inscribe a square.

Remember the perpendicular bisector that we practiced? You can use a perpendicular bisector to inscribe a square inside a circle. Make sure you have your straightedge and compass ready, and work through the slideshow below to inscribe a square in a circle.

Step 1

Perpendicular bisector to inscribe a square inside a circle

Start with a circle and a center that is labeled. Then, put one point on the circle and label the point.

Step 2

Perpendicular bisector to inscribe a square inside a circle

Use a straightedge to draw the diameter.

Step 3

Perpendicular bisector to inscribe a square inside a circle

Draw a perpendicular bisector of the diameter making sure the bisector intersects the circle as well.

Step 4

Perpendicular bisector to inscribe a square inside a circle

The four points that are created on the circle are the vertices of the square. Connect them for the final figure.