When it comes time to start investing, know that you have choices. Do you want a computer or a human to do the work for you? You can use the services of a financial advisor—a professional who specializes in investing—or you can forgo the human interaction and use an app or robo-advisor. What other factors should you consider when making investment decisions?
Other factors to consider when deciding if you want to utilize a computer/app or financial advisor are:
- investment knowledge
- technology know-how
- time available
- money available to invest and use for fees
You will want to consider the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing computers and financial advisors as well as personal preference. As you read the comparisons on the tabs below, think about which choice would be best for you.
- They are available 24/7.
- The cost is low.
- Investing strategies are computerized.
- Investments can be optimized in an instant without error.
- They are good for those who have little time and who understand technology.
Financial Advisor
- You can build a relationship with a person.
- You can receive personalized financial advice.
- You won't get human interaction or financial advice.
Financial Advisor
- It's time consuming, as you need to meet in person.
- The cost is high.
- Your advisor may have limited availability.
Using your knowledge of investing with computers and financial advisors, read through the scenarios below and decide which would be a better fit for the investor: a computer or a financial advisor.
1. Ryan is a young professional who wants to start investing. He knows very little about investing and is good with technology, but he prefers human interaction.
This choice is good for those who want to speak to a person and receive investment advice.
This choice is good for those who want to speak to a person and receive investment advice.
2. Jenna has never invested before, but she has heard her parents discuss their investments. She is tech savvy, doesn't have much free time, and wants to start investing. Which would be a better fit for Jenna?
This choice is good for those who have little time, understand technology, and are fine with making investment decisions on their own.
This choice is good for those who have little time, understand technology, and are fine with making investment decisions on their own.
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