
How are the Mongols remembered today in the regions they conquered?

Genghis Khan's empire was the largest in history, yet its duration was relatively short and it left less of a cultural legacy than most empires. Use these flashcards to review what does remain of the Mongols' activity in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East.

Kublai Khan

Genghis Khan's grandson and the founder of the Yuan Dynasty in China


a battle strategy used often by Mongol invaders, involving cutting off supply routes to cities and waiting until the inhabitants were weak or starving


style of theater popular in China during the Yuan Dynasty, perfected by educated Chinese who were not allowed to serve in Kublai's government

imperial seal

what the representatives of the fallen Jin Dynasty offered Kublai Khan as a sign of surrender and allegiance


the modern-day Chinese city that was the site of both the Jin Dynasty capital (which Genghis Khan burned to the ground) and Kublai Khan's capital

Guo Shoujing

the astronomer who served as Kublai Khan's hydraulic engineer, completing several projects that brought food and water into the capital city at Beijing

Grand Canal

artificial waterway that Kublai Khan directed Guo Shoujing to extend to Beijing so that it could be used to carry grain into the city

Siege of Baghdad

the Mongols' attack on the Islamic center of culture and learning, which resulted in the loss of up to a million lives and most of Islam's cultural artifacts

Golden Horde

yet another empire ruled by a grandson of Genghis Khan, this one covering most of modern-day Russia and Eastern Europe

Jin Dynasty

the dynasty that ruled China before Genghis Khan invaded and his grandson Kublai conquered, replacing it with his Yuan Dynasty


a sum of money or goods that proved one government's submission to rule or control by another


