
Can you determine the figure AFTER a change?

In each problem below, multiple transformations have been performed on the original image. Do you remember the words that can be used to represent each transformation? Translation = slide, reflection = flip, rotation = turn, and dilation = size. These words will help you visualize what motions have been done on the original image to obtain the resulting image. For each result you observe, keep in mind that the intermediate step is not shown. Instead, you are just seeing the finished image.

Problem 1

Problem 2

Problem 3

Explain the transformations that have been done to triangle JKL on the graph below. Your explanation should explain first the transformation from JKL to J'K'L' and then J'K'L' to J"K"L".


First, triangle JKL has been translated up 4 units to form triangle J’K’L’ because for instance, point J (6,-1) maps to point J’(6, -1+4) which is J’(6, 3).

Second, triangle J’K’L’ has been reflected over the y-axis because for instance, point L’(5,1) has opposite x-coordinates as L”(-5, 1) in triangle J”K”L”. This mapping indicates a horizontal reflection.

Below are steps for a Latin dance called the "Cha-Cha." Describe how footstep #1 was transformed to footstep #3.


Footstep #2 is beneath footstep #1, so this means that footstep #1 was moved down to footstep #2. Then, footstep #3 is to the left and has been rotated. So, footstep #2 has been turned in a counterclockwise direction by 90 degrees to form footstep #3.

Consider the before and after images of the transformation for the L shape. Explain the transformations that were done.

Original figure
Final figure
Original figure
Original figure

First, reflected over the y axis.
First, reflected over
the y axis.
Then, translated 1 unit
to the right.
Final figure
Final figure