
What have you learned about viruses?

These questions will help you prepare for the lesson quiz. Be sure to read the feedback carefully for any questions you answer incorrectly, and review those topics before leaving this lesson and taking the quiz.

How small is a virus?

  1. about a meter
  2. about the size of a bacteria
  3. between 20 and 30 centimeters
  4. between 20 and 300 nanometers

A virus is 50 times smaller than bacteria, and a million of them could fit on the head of a pin.   

A virus is 50 times smaller than bacteria, and a million of them could fit on the head of a pin.   

A virus is 50 times smaller than bacteria, and a million of them could fit on the head of a pin.   

A virus is 50 times smaller than bacteria, and a million of them could fit on the head of a pin.   

Where is the nucleic acid found in the virus?

  1. collar
  2. fibers 
  3. capsid 
  4. spikes 

 A virus is basically a DNA or RNA molecule enclosed in a protein coat. 

 A virus is basically a DNA or RNA molecule enclosed in a protein coat. 

 A virus is basically a DNA or RNA molecule enclosed in a protein coat. 

 A virus is basically a DNA or RNA molecule enclosed in a protein coat. 

Which of the following describes a virus?

  1. They are saprophytes, feeding on both living and dead matter. 
  2. They cannot make their own proteins using their own DNA/RNA.
  3. They are organisms that are always considered not living. 
  4. They do not harm the cells that they invade. 

Viruses are parasites and are dependent on a host to provide them with nourishment. 

Viruses are parasites and are dependent on a host to provide them with nourishment. 

Viruses are parasites and are dependent on a host to provide them with nourishment. 

Viruses are parasites and are dependent on a host to provide them with nourishment. 

Which reproductive cycle ends in the death of the host cell and the release of new viruses?

  1. apoptosis cycle 
  2. life cycle 
  3. lysogenic cycle
  4. lytic cycle 

Lysing means the breaking down or rupture of a cell.  

Lysing means the breaking down or rupture of a cell.  

Lysing means the breaking down or rupture of a cell.  

Lysing means the breaking down or rupture of a cell.  

What characterizes the lysogenic cycle of viruses?

  1. making of new viral proteins and viral components
  2. lysing of the outer membrane of the host cell 
  3. integration of the viral DNA with the host DNA 
  4. releasing of multiple virions into the host 

The lysogenic cycle occurs because favorable conditions do not exist for lytic cycle to proceed to completion. 

The lysogenic cycle occurs because favorable conditions do not exist for lytic cycle to proceed to completion. 

The lysogenic cycle occurs because favorable conditions do not exist for lytic cycle to proceed to completion. 

The lysogenic cycle occurs because favorable conditions do not exist for lytic cycle to proceed to completion. 

Which of the following viruses is a direct threat to people?

  1. Pepper Mild Mottle Virus 
  2. Tomato Wilt Disease Virus 
  3. Human Immunodeficiency Virus 
  4. Tobacco Mosaic Virus 

Viruses are host specific.

Viruses are host specific.

Viruses are host specific.

Viruses are host specific.


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