Perhaps you’ve noticed that some people ramble when they talk. They start out talking about one topic and then jump to a completely different idea. By the time they’re finished, you have no idea what they were trying to say.

While jumping from one idea to another in conversation can be amusing, using that kind of discussion in a research report will only frustrate and confuse your readers. Thankfully, the English language has many words and phrases you can use to connect your thoughts and ideas. Transitions―words and phrases such as and, but, for, however, since, because, in spite of, before, and after―can help you connect your ideas.
Take a look at two versions of a paragraph from Dev’s research paper. As you read the paragraph on the left, notice how the ideas seem disjointed. Then, notice how Dev connects these ideas in the second paragraph. The words in bold are transitional words and phrases.
What do you think of when you think of Japan? Do you think of kimonos? Do you think of beautiful fans? Do you think of sushi? Japan has a very interesting culture that has been influenced by many other countries. This can best be seen in Japanese religions, festivals, social interactions, and entertainment.
When you think of Japan, what comes to mind? Do you think of the cartoon Pokémon, Japanese fans, or kimonos―the long, flowing garments that are the national dress of Japan? All of these are an important part of Japan’s culture. Although this small country has long welcomed outside influences, many of its traditions can be traced back to ancient Japanese values, including its religions, festivals, forms of entertainment, and ways of interacting.
This example shows how to add transitions to a paragraph. Where else should you add transitions in an essay?
There are other ways to take care of your readers while sharing ideas in a report―besides adding transitions. You should also explain concepts and ideas that might be unfamiliar to many readers. For instance, many readers of Dev’s report will not know the meaning of words like anime and manga.
Compare these two versions of another paragraph from Dev’s report to see how much these explanations can help. In the version on the left, Dev fails to explain fully what anime and manga are. Notice how the bold-faced text in the paragraph on the right helps make Dev’s ideas more clear.
Original forms of entertainment are also an important part of Japanese culture. One place this is obvious is the anime films and television shows focused on Pokémon, but the Japanese have created many anime characters and stories besides Pokémon. Another, closely related form is manga. Manga covers many topics from action to romance to sports. Both anime and manga are strongly rooted in Japanese history and art.
Original forms of entertainment are also an important part of Japanese culture. Japanese media has swept the world in the form of two different, but similar, formats―anime and manga. Anime are computer-created or hand-drawn animated cartoons, such as Pokémon and Sonic X, which are two popular anime in the U.S. Japanese artists have created thousands of popular anime characters. In fact, these characters are honored throughout Japanese society. Some characters are even made into huge statues or unusual landmarks. Manga, stories in comic-book form, have been around longer than anime since they take a written rather than a digital form. All age groups read manga, from young schoolchildren all the way up to adults. These graphic novels cover many topics, from action to romance to sports. Both anime and manga have strong roots in Japanese history, art, and culture.
In the paragraph on the right, Dev explains what anime and manga are. What other details have been added to this paragraph?