Have you ever thought of something you should have said during an argument, but didn’t? Well, now’s your chance to prepare that comeback before the argument begins. Look through the notes you wrote throughout this lesson, and identify which of your reasons other readers might disagree with. What opposing arguments would other readers offer? How would you respond to their claims?
Write a counterargument and a comeback using this formula:
Some people might argue that _____________________ because __________________. However, ___________________________.
Fill in the first blank with the argument you think others might use, and fill in the second blank with reasons someone might give in support of that opposing position. Then in the last blank, write a sentence showing how you could refute the counterargument, including your reasoning and any evidence that supports your counterpoint.
When you write the rough draft of your essay, look for a logical place to insert a paragraph like the one in “Choose Wisely” that describes and refutes a counterargument.