
Submit a storyboard of your adaptation for teacher feedback.

Applying what you've learned about storyboards, camera movement, and sound effects, it's time to map out your movie, shot for shot, to build each scene and adapt your text.

Artist working on a storyboard

Click the button below to download and print a template for your storyboard, making multiple copies if necessary. You can use arrows, callouts, or simply write notes beneath each frame to identify camera movements, sound effects, blurs and zooms, or whatever else your imagination comes up with.

When you're done, scan your storyboards or take pictures of them to turn in to your teacher. Your storyboard will be graded using the following rubric.



Shots and Scenes
(4 points)

2 Points: You've carefully planned each shot to tell the story of your adaptation in a clear and artistic way.
2 Points: Each shot flows naturally and logically to build scenes that make sense and fit the text you're adapting..

Camera and Sound Effects

2 Points: You identify how your camera will move in certain shots, and where music and sound effects will be added..