
When might you be required to compare numbers and quantities?

kid hidden behind a stack of pancakesIn many families, it is traditional to wake up on weekends and have breakfast together, and pancakes are often on the menu. If you've made pancakes, you know that you have to mix different ingredients in certain amounts to come up with a specific quantity of batter. If you need to change the amount of batter based on the number of people eating, the amount of each ingredient changes as well.

Suppose the recipe calls for four cups of pancake mix for every three cups of water, and you've learned that the recipe will make enough pancakes for five people. What if you have relatives coming into town to visit, and you need to double the recipe? How much mix and water will you need? Use your best kitchen skills to figure out the amounts of ingredients you'll need to use to make pancakes for ten people instead of five.


What amounts of mix and water will you need?

Since you need to double the recipe, you will need twice the amount of pancake mix and twice the amount of water. You'll need to make sure that you double the amounts of both mix and water. Otherwise, you won't get the right batter consistency. To feed ten people, you will need eight cups of mix and six cups of water.