Spanish is derived from a dialect of Latin that came over from the Romans. It took centuries to fully develop and differentiate from Latin that came over in the early centuries A.D.
Look at the following timeline of how the Spanish language was born and how it has expanded to 5 continents.
After reading about the Spanish language, answer the following questions.
What is the name of the first Spanish written text?
- Glosas Emilianenses
- Homilies d'Organyá
- Beowulf
¡Muy bien!
Sorry, this is the first text in the Catalan language.
Sorry, this text is considered to be the first written text in Old English.
Which language does Spanish originate from?
- Greek
- Latin
- English
Sorry, this is not the correct answer.
¡Muy bien!
Sorry, Spanish does not come from English.
Where can we find Spanish in Africa today?
- Guinea Ecuatorial and Sahara
- Marruecos
- Ivory Coast
¡Muy bien!
Sorry, Arabic is spoken in Morocco.
Sorry, French is spoken in the Ivory Coast.
Who wrote the first Spanish grammar?
- Antonio Nebrija
- Cristopher Columbus
- Alfonso X
¡Muy bien!
Sorry, he was an explorer.
Sorry, he was a king, not a writer.
Questions answered correctly:
Questions answered incorrectly: