To become a good shooter, a player should know the basic mechanics of the shot. Good shooters concentrate on the basket during the entire shooting process. Many coaches teach their players to aim for the front of the rim.
Front View of ShootingRoll the ball off your fingertips with a backspin effect. The backspin will cause the ball to become dead upon impact with the rim.
Releasing the Ball
Read through the slides below to learn about some of the key types of shooting.
Jump ShotThe jump shot is the most popular shot in basketball. To successfully complete a jump shot, you must come to a complete stop and execute a controlled jump. Place your shooting hand behind the ball. As you jump, carry the ball to the shooting position with both hands, keeping your eyes focused on the basket. The release is made at the peak of the jump with your arm fully extended. Control the ball with your finger tips, and follow through by snapping your wrist forward. One-Handed Set ShotHold the ball chin high with both hands, spread your fingers along side and slightly behind the ball. Your feet should be close together, with one in front of the other. Turn the ball so that your shooting hand is behind and under the ball. As you shoot, bend your knees, bring the ball up, remove your left hand if shooting with the right, and shoot with a strong wrist action and extension of your arm. Your feet should leave the floor as you follow through. This shot is used mostly in long shots at the high school level. Lay-Up ShotThis is the most basic shot in basketball. To do a lay-up, move toward the basket on an angle from the right side. During the drive, carry the ball in both hands to a point above and in front of your head. Release the ball to your shooting hand as you extend that arm. Control the ball with your fingertips. When you release the ball, it should be thrown gently against the backboard. Control the shot with your wrist, and follow through. Lay-InThe lay-in is similar to the lay-up. Use the same method of shooting as the lay-up, except drive straight down the middle of the foul lane and lay the ball over the front lip of the rim. Hook ShotHold the ball high with both hands. As you step away from the basket, bring the ball over your head toward the basket in a sweeping motion of the arm. Release the ball in an arc as it rolls off your fingers. Release the ball with the hand farthest from the defensive player, which will make the shot difficult to block. When taking hook shots from the side of the basket, try banking the ball off the backboard. |
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The best shooters have great hand and eye coordination, excellent balance, and courage under pressure. The top professional players rarely miss when given an unguarded shot at the basket. Practice is the key element in becoming a good shooter.