
How well can you identify different types of triangles?

Mathalio is a chip designer at a factory and is currently trying to design the perfect tortilla chip. The acute, obtuse, and right triangles are distinguishable by their interior angle measurements. So, if Mathalio’s boss asks him to construct a chip that is obtuse, Mathalio knows that exactly one angle measurement inside the triangular chip will need to be larger than \(90^\circ\).

The equilateral, isosceles, and scalene triangles are distinguishable by their side lengths. So, if Mathalio needs to construct a chip that is scalene, he knows that the triangular chip will not have any side lengths that are equal.

Since there are three types of triangles focusing on interior angle measurements and three types of triangles focusing on side length measurements, every triangle is a combination of each type. For example:

Mathalio’s boss asks him to construct a chip that has an angle that is larger than \(90^\circ\) with no equal side lengths. What type of triangle is this?

Practice identifying triangle types by completing the activity below. Identify each triangle type, then click it to check your answer.




Match the triangle on the left with its type on the right.

Great job!