Do you know someone who spends a lot on health insurance? No matter what the cost, they feel it is important to have it even if they are healthy and exercise all the time. Not having adequate health insurance coverage can cause financial difficulties. If you were in an accident, the costs for care would be much higher than paying for the insurance. For example, a trip to the emergency room without insurance could start at $1,000 and continue to go up.
You learned that insurance protects you against risk and provides payment for loss. In this lesson you will learn more about health, disability, and life insurance, which provide coverage for injury, illness, or death.
What advice would you give someone who feels they are young and healthy and would prefer not to spend money on health insurance?
Without health insurance, you are taking a great risk. If you get sick or have an accident that causes injury, your medical bills could be way more than you can afford. Having no health insurance can cause serious financial problems.