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Use the audio recorder below or the alternative directions below to record audio. One of these methods should work for you.

To make a recording within your browser, click the Record button. When finished recording, click the Stop button. Be sure to turn your speaker's volume off before you record so that you don't get feedback in your recording.

When you make a recording, you will see a link appear below the recorder. Listen to it right on the page. If you are happy with the recording, click the link to download the mp3 file. You can then submit it to your teacher in the dropbox. If you are not happy with the recording, simply create another one. Repeat this process until you are satisfied with your work.

If the above recorder does not work in your browser, try one of the methods described below instead. All four methods described below use built-in software for your operating system. Click on the icon for your operating system for directions on using that software.

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