How much have you learned about life in Western Europe during the Early Middle Ages? Before you take this lesson's quiz, use the flashcards below to test your knowledge and identify any areas you should revisit.
When did the Roman Empire fall?
the 5th century
Why did people move into the country after the fall of Rome?
After Rome fell, chaos ruled, and foreign invaders attacked. Cities were no longer comfortable or safe.
What political and economic needs did the feudal system meet?
It ensured that the monarch's lands and people would be protected from invaders, especially Vikings. The feudal system also protected or increased the wealth of the noble class (the lords).
Define knight.
aristocratic warrior in the service of a lord
Define vassal.
a person who served a monarch or lord in exchange for land
Define fief.
a vassal's (lord's) estate
Define serf.
a peasant who lived on and farmed a vassal's land