Tower of Babel Review
Why is a common language so important to working together, and how can we try to understand people who don’t speak the same way we do?

In this story, we see how people’s hubris led to Yahweh confusing their languages so they could no longer communicate. Let’s play a fun game to explore what this might be like in real life, and to find ways to express our ideas without using words.
Find Your People.
This game is a lot of fun for large groups of people, but it can be done in smaller groups as well. The most important rule is: No one is allowed to speak. We cannot speak, because we can no longer understand one another's language. Each person is given a 3x5 card with a picture of an animal on it. There are two of each kind of animal, and your job is to find your partner by expressing a sound or action that your animal would make. See if you can locate your “people’ based on animal sounds and actions alone.
On your worksheet, draw a picture from the story The Tower of Babel. On the back of the page, practice the Hebrew Alphabet in your best handwriting.
What does hubris mean?
Hubris refers to extreme pride or confidence. In stories like The Tower of Babel, it usually leads to the downfall of a person or group of people.