

What is different among local, state, and federal governments?



Capitol building vector

How are local, state, and federal governments different? Study the slides below to review the roles and responsibilities for each level of government.

Local Government

City Hall Sign
  • Mayor
  • City council/commission
  • Local courts
  • City or town hall
  • Makes city laws
  • Enforces city laws
  • Interprets city laws

State Government

Capitol Building dome detail in Washington DC United States
  • Governor
  • State senate and house of representatives
  • State supreme court
  • State capitol building
  • Makes laws for the state
  • Enforces state laws
  • Interprets state laws

Federal Government

White House on deep blue sky background
  • President of the United States
  • Senate and House of Representatives
  • Federal Supreme Court
  • Commander-in-Chief
  • White House
  • U.S. Capitol Building
  • Makes laws for the country
  • Enforces laws for the country
  • Interprets laws based on the U.S. Constitution