Introduction Assignment
What will you learn about this year?

This is going to be a wonderful year of social studies. You will be so excited after you are introduced to everything you will be learning.

Click the Activity button to access the Introduction worksheet. As you read through this lesson, draw a picture in each circle of the web of a topic that you can't wait to learn more about.
You will be graded using this rubric.
4 points |
3 points |
2 points |
1 point |
You completed your Social Studies work. |
Most of your Social Studies work is complete. |
Some of your Social Studies work is incomplete. |
Most of your Social Studies work is incomplete. |
Your work is done correctly. |
Most of your Social Studies work is done correctly. |
Some of your Social Studies work is done incorrectly. |
Most of your Social Studies work is done incorrectly. |
Your work is neat and tidy. |
Your work is mostly neat and tidy. |
Some of your work is neat and tidy. |
Most of your work is not neat and tidy. |
You put your best effort into your Social Studies work. |
You put a good effort into your Social Studies work. |
You put some effort into your Social Studies work. |
You put little effort into your Social Studies work. |
Click the arrow when you are ready for your social studies topics.