It's easy to know who is in charge at home. You spend a lot of time there! But what about at school?
There are people who are in charge at school, too. They make rules that keep everyone safe. They provide students with directions so students know what to do in school. Can you think of any school leaders? Click through the slides below to see a few.

The Principal

Your principal is in charge of the teachers, students, and other school workers.
The Teacher

Your teacher is in charge of his or her classroom and the students in it. Your teacher makes sure you are learning.
Cafeteria Workers

Your lunchtime, if in school, is run by cafeteria workers. They make sure you have what you need for lunch.
Playground Aide

When you play on the playground at school, there will be an adult there to supervise.

The librarian is in charge of the books in the library.
Line Leaders

Sometimes, students get jobs to do, and become a leader. In this case, the line leader leads the way to somewhere else in school.