
What Counts

Why are details important?



Different types of informational text provide different types of details. In a newspaper article, the details usually reveal things like what happened, where and when it happened, and who it happened to. A science video might explain how some law of nature works, using a detailed example. In a biographical sketch, the details of a famous person’s childhood may be used to explain how he or she became the sort of person people know today.

"Caring for a Cat" combines a personal narrative (a story about the writer's life) with some basic information about what is needed to care for a brand-new pet kitten. What do the details in this section of the article tell you about what cats need?

catFinally, Oreo settled down, but she refused to sleep in her cat bed. She wanted to sleep in bed with me. I would have let her, but my mom told me that was starting a bad habit. One day Oreo found an empty box and curled up in it. I found her asleep there several times. Finally, I put some soft blankets in the box, and Oreo loved it. On her own Oreo found a bed.

The best thing about Oreo is that she loves to play. Sometimes, though, I'm busy and can't play with her. When this happens, she is up all night causing trouble. Finally, I made a schedule. The first thing I do every morning is put out fresh food and water. After Oreo eats, I play with her for 15 minutes before school. Then she curls up in her bed and sleeps for most of the day. When I get home after school, I play with her again for about 30 minutes. I give her more food in the evening and play with her one more time before I go to bed. This keeps both my cat and my parents happy. Oreo feels loved, and my parents know she won't be tearing the house apart in the middle of the night.


Using the details in this passage, what do cats need?

a soft bed
food twice a day
fresh water
time to play