
Looking for Details

Can you find the details in informational text?



Take a look at the picture of an eye below. Then look at the picture of an entire frog. The eye is just one detail that makes up the whole image of the frog.


Like any other type of writing, informational text uses details to help a reader understand a topic or story. Details help readers visualize objects or events. They also demonstrate that the writer knows the subject well.

Most writers of informational text are careful to explain how the details relate to the "big picture." However, writers usually expect readers to identify what the important details are. Can you spot the key details in this passage from the article "Caring for a Cat"?

Next, we picked up Oreo and took her to the vet. The vet gave us some medicine to help control fleas and ticks. Then he checked Oreo over, and told us when she needed to come back and see him again. We took Oreo home after that and turned her loose in the house. She was scared at first and hid under the bed. I was finally able to coax her out with a bowl of milk.


What are the key details about cat care in the paragraph above?

Cats need medicine to protect them from fleas and ticks.
Cats need regular check-ups by a vet.
Cats may hide when they first get to a new place.