
Video: Celebrating Americans

Can you name a patriotic holiday in the United States? If you thought of The 4th of July, or President’s Day, or Martin Luther King Day, you’re right! But what are some other ones?



In the video below you will review the different patriotic holidays celebrated in the U.S.

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Patriotic Holidays

Meet the History Kids! They love history and teaching history to other kids.

Today they want to teach you about patriotic holidays.

Let’s start with January and learn which days are set aside to celebrate special Americans and being American.

On the third Monday of January, we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a civil rights activist, as well as a pastor. He is famous for his “I have a dream” speech. We celebrate his life and the work he did for African American rights.

To celebrate, you could attend an MLK parade, learn more about his life, or visit any exhibit, monument, or street that honors him.

This is also a day of service, so you can also volunteer in your community.

In February, we celebrate President’s Day, also called Washington’s Birthday, on the third Monday.

This day honors our country’s first president, George Washington, as well as all of the presidents of the United States. Both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were born in February.

On the last Monday in May, we celebrate Memorial Day.

We remember the members of the armed forces who died while serving in the military. These brave men and women gave their lives to keep our country and our freedoms safe.

Americans often visit the gravesites of family and friends who died in military service and celebrate with barbecues and attend patriotic community events.

On June 14, it is time to display an American flag for… Flag Day! This day celebrates the history of our country’s flag and all that it stands for.

Look at the fireworks! Which patriotic holiday celebrates our nation’s birthday and our freedom on July 4?

Yes! Independence Day! July 4, 1776 is the day we declared our independence from Great Britain.

Americans celebrate by attending parades, having barbecues, and of course, watching fireworks.

Do you know which patriotic holiday is on September 17?

Here is a clue…

It is Constitution Day! We celebrate the signing of the U.S. Constitution, which took place on September 17, 1787 in Philadelphia.

This day is also known as Citizenship Day as it also recognizes those who have become U.S. citizens.

Next on our patriotic calendar is Election Day. This takes places on the first Tuesday that comes after November 1.

This day is the day for Americans to vote for federal officials. You will be able to vote when you are 18.

Do you know what a veteran is? A veteran is a person who has served in the military.

On November 11 every year, we celebrate our veterans.

What could you do on this day to honor someone who has served in the military?

When we turn our calendar to December, do not forget Bill of Rights Day on December 15.

This is a great day to display the American flag and read the Bill of Rights.

Wow, there are many days you can celebrate important Americans and being an American! Happy patriotic holidays to you!



What is Memorial Day?

A holiday we celebrate to remember the members of the armed forces that died while serving in the military to protect us.