
Four Colonies

On the pages that follow here, you will learn information about these original 13 colonies. Let's begin with these four.



settlers home


Founded in 1607 by John Smith and other Puritans of Jamestown. The original government was the Virginia Charter from King James I in 1606. The Virginia Charter had the power to appoint the Council of Virginia, governor, and other officials. They were also responsible for supplies, and providing settlers with ships for ventures. The charter was replaced by the governing Crown colony in 1624.


Pilgrims came to Massachusetts on the Mayflower. Their journey was long and hard. The settlers were governed by the Mayflower Compact. Later, John Winthrop came along with the Massachusetts Bay Charter and helped set up a sturdier government body. The Mayflower Compact was said to be the first example of a democratic governing body.

New Jersey:

Founded by English colonists in 1664, the Duke of York “gave” New Jersey to a group of proprietors led by William Penn, Lord Berkely and Sir Philip Carteret. In 1702 these men surrendered New Jersey to the Crown.

New York:

Founded by Peter Minuit and others in 1626. Originally explored by Dutch Henry Hudson. This Dutch colony was owned and run by the West India Company. They were protected by paid soldiers. This company also paid for farmers and tradesmen to come work for the colony. In 1641, the English took over Dutch control without a fight. King Charles II gave all the land between Connecticut and the Delaware River to his brother, James, the future James II. James in turn gave the area that was going to be New Jersey and some of New York to Berkely and Carteret. This upset the English colonial governor. James took back part of New York and gave it back to the governor, under crown control.