

audio buttonCan I revise and edit a peer's writing?



writing walrus

audio buttonToday, we will revise and edit our opinion paragraphs. Please have your rough draft in front of you.

We will go through a checklist together to make sure your paragraphs are ready to publish tomorrow. After you check your own opinion paragraph, you will also check a peer’s work.

Click on the Activity button below to view your checklist.

Clarity and Meaning

Correct Use of Words




magnifying glass

audio buttonFirst, let’s make sure our writing is clear. When someone reads an opinion paragraph, they should be able to understand why you want the thing that you are writing about. The reasons and explanations should give them information about it.

girl writing

audio buttonHow well did you use your words? Did you explain your reasons? Do your sentences sound good together? Try reading your paragraph aloud. Sometimes you will catch things that you might miss if you just read it silently.

hand holding alphabet blocks

audio buttonNow, let’s check for capital letters. Take a look at the first letter in each sentence. Do you see a capital letter? I hope so! You will also want to make sure proper nouns are capitalized, too.

question marks

audio buttonNow, let’s take a look at the end of those sentences. Did you use your periods, exclamation points, and question marks correctly?

boy reading

audio buttonIt’s time for the final step--checking your spelling. You may need your dictionary for this step. If there is a word you really aren't sure how to spell, the dictionary is the place to go.

audio buttonWhen you are finished checking your paragraph, switch papers with a friend so you can revise and edit his or her paragraph also.

When you are finished, please submit your checklist to your teacher. Keep your rough draft in a safe place. You will use it to publish our final copy tomorrow.