
We Are One Community

How are we connected to one another?



a multi-colored ball of yarn  

The following activity is done best with larger groups, although as few as two can play. The game is meant to emphasize how we are connected with one another.

Have one person begin with a ball of yarn or string in their hands. Stand in a large circle if you have many people. If only a few, position yourselves at a distance.

While holding on to the end of the string, call out your name and something you like while throwing the ball end of the string to someone else (for example, "I am Wendy, and I like laughing until my belly hurts!"). The person that now has the ball holds onto a piece of the string and then throws the ball to someone else in the circle while saying their own name and something they like. Keep going until everyone is holding a piece of the string and the ball is gone. The group will be left holding onto a web of string.

Remind everyone throughout the game NOT to let go of the string--only the ball end of it as they toss. If you are playing with only two players, the ball will be tossed back and forth, so instead of webbing, you will end up with lines of string. In any event, you will all be connected by the string.

Now, you must unravel the web. The person who received the ball last of all begins, sending the end back to the person who last threw it to her. While they throw they must call out that person’s name and state the thing that they last said they liked (for example, "You are Wendy, and you like to laugh until your belly hurts!").

Continue until the web is unraveled or the string is back in a ball. Have fun--you may discover new things about one another!