
You in Your Great State

Why do you live at your current residence?



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Let's look at why you live in your state.

  1. Begin by writing the name of your state. Then draw an outline of your state and mark where your city is located and label it.
  2. Who moved you to the state you live in now? Was it your parents, grandparents, or someone else? Write the person's name in the box.
  3. Now share the events of how you ended up in your state and city. Maybe you were born there and still live in the same house. Or maybe you moved from another state or city to your current residence. Write down these events.
  4. Where are you settled today? Write the name of your city and if you live in an apartment, a house, on a farm, etc.
  5. Lastly, why did your family settle or move into your current residence? Do you live there because of a parent's job? Do you live there to be close to other family members? Write down the reason(s) why you live at your current residence.
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Terrific! You learned all about the history of your state and your own history of why you live there.