

Make a fact family!



thinking monkey with bulls eye target


Goal: Can you use a fact family to help you add?

Fact families help us understand numbers that are related. You will need this fact-family triangle for our next activity!


triangle outline with 3 spaces in each corner. At the top corner it shows 37, in the bottom left corner, it shows 14. And, in the right corner, it shows 23.



Write the numbers 14, 23, and 37 in the corners of your fact-family triangle. Notice that 37 is the largest number, so it is at the top of the triangle.

triangle outline with 3 spaces in each corner. At the top corner it shows 37, in the bottom left corner, it shows 14. And, in the right corner, it shows 23. 37 is labeled the sum, and 37 and 23 are labeled the addends.



Can you make addition sentences using these numbers? Write them in the blanks in the middle of the triangle. Remember, 14 and 23 are the addends and 37 is the sum. Check your answer on the next slide.

triangle outline with 3 spaces in each corner. At the top corner it shows 37, in the bottom left corner, it shows 14. And, in the right corner, it shows 23.



Great job! Your addends should have switched places. The sum stays in the same place.

You’re doing a great job creating related addition sentences. Keep up the practice by clicking on the worksheet below. When you are done, turn in your assignment to your teacher with your Weekly Written Work.

Two-Digit Fact Families