
Addition Video

It’s time to watch a video about addition sentences.



monkey with addition sign and play icon


Goal: Choose correct addition sentence.

Addition sentences are made up of two addends and a sum, just like 4 + 6 = 10. Click on the video below to watch Jesse make addition sentences. As you watch it, try to identify the addends and sums.

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Addition Properties

Summer vacation is over and its Jesse’s first day of second grade. He still needs to pack his school supplies!

Let’s help Jesse count his notebooks so he can put them in his backpack.

Count with me! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Seven notebooks. This is the equation 4+3=7. The numbers 4 and 3 are called addends. The number 7 is called the sum. Great job!

Now let’s help Jesse count his erasers.

Count with me! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve. Twelve erasers. This is the equation 3+9=12. The numbers 3 and 9 are called addends. The number 12 is called the sum.

Jesse has a lot of pencils. Can you help me count them?

Here we go! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen. Eighteen pencils. What is the equation? If you said 11+7=18, you’re right! What numbers are the addends? Yes! 11 and 7. What number is the sum? Very good! The sum is 18.

You helped Jesse add all of his school supplies. He has 7 notebooks, 12 erasers, and 18 pencils in his backpack. Jesse is ready to go to school. Thanks for your help!

Which addition sentence best describes this picture? Answer the question. Then, click Show Me to check your answer.

8 red heart shaped balloons and 4 blue balloons