
Video: "Streams, Rivers, and Lakes"

Meet Mr. Water



water drop

Learn about the benefits and negative effects of streams, rivers, and lakes with Mr. Water.

PDF Download Think of all of the ways you use water every day. Meet Mr. Water! He wants to introduce you to some of his friends.
This is a stream. Many water drops are together in a stream.
The water in streams can flow into even bigger rivers. That is a lot of water!
65% of our drinking water comes from streams and rivers.

Thank you, Mr. Water!
Farmers create canals from rivers to water their crops.
People use rivers for transportation and fishing, too.
Rivers and streams also give a home to many fish and animals.
This is a lake. The water does not move like a stream or river.
People like to use lakes for fun and they are also home to fish and animals.
Streams, rivers, and lakes are very important, but, are can they be harmful in any way?
If there is severe weather with too much rain, rivers can cause floods.
In addition, if rivers are polluted, they are bad for people, fish, and animal.
We need to take care of our water supply and our streams, rivers, and lakes will take care of us.
