Now it's your turn to state a claim about The Diary of a Young Girl, based on your interpretation of Anne Franks' words. Before you write your thesis statement, consider the purpose and process of analyzing text, and make sure you have selected passages that will help support your claim.
Then locate your file containing this module's journal assignment, paste the prompt below at the end of the document, and write a response to the prompt.
Using the beginning of the model essay as an example, write a paragraph that makes a claim about The Diary of a Young Girl. Your claim can be about a theme that is expressed in the entries, the purpose that the diary serves for Anne, or changes in her reflections about herself or her relationships with others. Make sure your paragraph includes a thesis statement. Also consider what passages you will use to help explain your thinking.
When you have written a complete and detailed answer to the journal prompt, save the file so that you can open it again for the next lesson with a journal assignment. (You will submit your journal to your teacher for grading once or twice during the module.)