
How can the characteristics of different plant species be used to compare them?

Let's investigate

In this virtual lab, you will use the four characteristics described in this lesson (seed size, seed shape, leaf shape, and stem type) to compare plant species. Examine the characteristics of the plant specimen on each tab. Use the accompanying worksheet to record your observations and use your data to answer the analysis questions.

Click the Activity button below to access the Biodiversity Online Lab worksheet. When you have completed this worksheet, submit it to your teacher.

Specimen #1

Specimen #2

Specimen #3

Specimen #4

Specimen #5

Examine the leaf shape of the plant specimen shown below.

A plant with a leaf shape of multiple opposing leaves.

Now examine its seed size, seed shape, and stem type.


Round orange seeds.

*Seeds are approximately 0.5 cm wide.

Cross-Section of Stem

Cross section of the plant stem with circles along the edges


Examine the leaf shape of the plant specimen shown below.

A squash plant with large pointed leaves.

Now examine its seed size, seed shape, and stem type.


White oblong shaped seeds.

*Seeds are approximately 2.0 cm wide.

Cross-Section of Stem

Cross section of the plant stem with a long line of cells.


Examine the leaf shape of the plant specimen shown below.

A plant with long narrow leaves

Now examine its seed size, seed shape, and stem type.


 Small grain seeds.

*Seeds are approximately 0.25 cm wide.

Cross-Section of Stem

Cross section of the plant stem with tiny circles spread evenly.


Examine the leaf shape of the plant specimen shown below.

A plant with waxy leaves.

Now examine its seed size, seed shape, and stem type.


An image of a peach.

*Seeds are approximately 12 cm wide.

Cross-Section of Stem

Cross section of a tightly knit plant stem.


Examine the leaf shape of the plant specimen shown below.

leaves with long tendrils for gripping and climbing.

Now examine its seed size, seed shape, and stem type.


Three small 1.5 cm seeds.

*Seeds are approximately 1.5 cm wide.

Cross-Section of Stem

Cross section of the plant stem with concentric circles near the center.