
Let’s Practice!

Can you answer questions about data displayed on a line graph?



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Goal: Draw a line graph help to answer questions about data.

Can you answer questions about line graphs?

A line graph is a graph that organizes and compares how data changes over time.

Caleb working on the wheel chair ramp at his school.
A line graphTitle: Water Levels. Scale: Feet above sea level 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2,2.5,3,3.5,4,4.5,5,5.5., Time: 4:00 AM 0.5, 11:00 AM 4.5, 4:00 PM 0, 11:00PM 5.5.

What is this line graph recording?

The number of feet above sea level that the water is at certain times of the day

Let's look at some new data Madelyn found about her sister and answer questions about what its line graph should look like.

What is this table recording?

Data Chart: Marissa's Height Records. Age in years. Inches, 10 48 inches, 11 49 incehs, 12 52 inches, 13 56 inches, 14 62 inches, 15 65 inches.

  1. the height of a person
  2. the height of a building
  3. the weight of a child

Which graph matches the data table that is given?

Data Chart: Marissa's Height Records. Age in years. Inches, 10 48 inches, 11 49 incehs, 12 52 inches, 13 56 inches, 14 62 inches, 15 65 inches.

  1. Plot Chart. Marissa's Height Records. Scale inches, 45,50,60,65. Age in years. 10 48 inches, 11 49 inches, 12 52 inches, 13 56 inches 14 62 inches, 15 65 inches.
  2. Plot Chart. Marissa's Height Records. Scale inches, 45,50,60,65. Age in years. 1 47 inches, 2 49 inches, 3 52 inches, 4 56 inches 5 62 inches, 6 65 inches.
  3. Plot Chart. Marissa's Height Records. Scale age in years, 45,50,60,65. inches. 1 47 inches, 2 49 inches, 3 52 inches, 4 56 inches 4 62 inches, 6 65 inches.
  4. Plot Chart. Marissa's Height Records. Age in years, 45,50,60,65. Age in years. 10 47 inches, 11 49 inches, 12 52 inches, 13 56 inches 14 62 inches, 15 65 inches.

Which of the following is NOT likely to happen to the line graph if we plot Marissa’s height at age 16?

  1. The line will go up.
  2. The line will go down.
  3. The line will stay at the same number of inches.


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