
Square Symmetry

How many lines of symmetry can you see in a square?



When discussing lines of symmetry, the best place to start is with a square! This is because a square has many lines of symmetry. Take a moment to figure out just how many it has by clicking through the slideshow below.

Before beginning, take a guess: How many lines of symmetry do you think that a square has?

Let’s find out—click through the slides below to see all lines of symmetry in a square.

Split It Up!

Square with a vertical line of symmetry.

Vertical line of symmetry.

Horizontal Split!

Square with a horizontal line of symmetry.

If we can split our square in the middle with a vertical line of symmetry (a line that goes up and down), let's see if we can split our square in the middle with a horizontal line of symmetry (a line that goes left and right).


Square with a Right-to-left diagonal line of symmetry.

Right-to-left diagonal line of symmetry.

Square with a Left-to-right diagonal line of symmetry.

Left-to-right diagonal line of symmetry.

Now, let's add two more lines of symmetry by drawing two diagonal lines that connect the corners.

Put It All Together!

Now, we can put all of the lines of symmetry together to see how many we have altogether.

Square with four lines of symmetry.

The square has four lines of symmetry. Each line splits the square into two equal, mirror-image pieces.

Now consider a parallelogram.
Can you find any lines of symmetry in a parallelogram?