
Problem Solving 

How do you use what you have learned to problem solve?



measuring penguin


Goal: Apply what you have learned about measuring to the nearest quarter of an inch to solve a word problem.

Can you measure an item to the nearest quarter of an inch to solve a word problem? You will need a piece of lined paper. Follow the problem-solving steps to find the answer. Then, click the tabs to see how!

Zoe needs to stand about 17 \(\frac{3}{4}\) inches away from the net to make a special shot. This line below shows how far Zoe was from the net when she made a basket. Was Zoe the correct distance from the net to make her shot?

Zoe standing away from the basketball hoop to make a special shot.

Word Problem Solving Steps

  1. Read the problem.
  2. Look for important information.
  3. Write a math sentence.
  4. Choose a way to solve.
  5. Solve and label your answer.
Zoe with her basketball uniform shirt

Read the Problem

The first step is to read. Write down the problem. Then, read the problem again!

Zoe needs to stand about 17 \(\frac{3}{4}\) inches away from the net to make a special shot. This line below shows how far Zoe was from the net when she made a basket. Was Zoe the correct distance from the net to make her shot?

Zoe standing away from the basketball hoop to make a special shot.

It is helpful to read the problem as many times as you need to in order to see all of the important information!

Find the Important Information

Now you need to look for the important information. Highlight any important numbers, and circle helpful key words. It also helps to underline the question.

Zoe needs to stand about 17 \(\frac{3}{4}\) inches away from the net to make a special shot. This line below shows how far Zoe was from the net when she made a basket. Was Zoe the correct distance from the net to make her shot?

Zoe standing near the basketball hoop to make her special shot.

Click the Show Me button to see!

Zoe needs to stand about 17 \(\frac{3}{4}\) inches away from the net to make a special shot. This line below shows how far Zoe was from the net when she made a basket. Was Zoe the correct distance from the net to make her shot? Inches and Away are circled. How far is circled. Correct is circled. Was Zoe the correct distance from the net to make her shot? is underlined.17 \(\frac{3}{4}\) is highlighted in yellow.

17 \(\frac{3}{4}\) is the important number. The words “inches away,” “how far,” and “distance” are measurement words. The question is the last sentence. It asks if Zoe was the correct distance away from the net.

Choose a Way to Solve

We know the important number. The word problem wants you to measure the line. You do not need to write an equation, but you do need to think about how long the line needs to be. Zoe needs to be about 17 \(\frac{3}{4}\) inches away from the net to make her shot. The line shows how far Zoe was when she made a basket.

Zoe needs to stand about 17 \(\frac{3}{4}\) inches away from the net to make a special shot. This line below shows how far Zoe was from the net when she made a basket. Was Zoe the correct distance from the net to make her shot? Inches and Away are circled. How far is circled. Correct is circled. Was Zoe the correct distance from the net to make her shot? is underlined. 17 \(\frac{3}{4}\) is highlighted in yellow.

Zoe measuring how far she is from the basket ball hoop. The ruler measures about 17 \(\frac{3}{4}\) away from the basketball hoop

Use the ruler on the screen to see where the line ends. Click the Show Me button to check your work!

A ruler zoomed in to show the line is between the 17 \(\frac{3}{4}\) and the 18 inch mark

The length of the line ends between the \(\frac{3}{4}\) inch line and 18 on the ruler.

Solve and Label Your Answer

Zoe needs to stand about 17 \(\frac{3}{4}\) inches away from the net to make a special shot. This line below shows how far Zoe was from the net when she made a basket. Was Zoe the correct distance from the net to make her shot? Inches and Away are circled. How far is circled. Correct is circled. Was Zoe the correct distance from the net to make her shot? is underlined. 17 \(\frac{3}{4}\) is highlighted in yellow.

Does the length of line end closer to the \(\frac{3}{4}\;\)inch line or to 18? Click the Show Me button to see!

A ruler zoomed in to show the line is between the 17 \(\frac{3}{4}\) and the 18 inch mark. The \(\frac{3}{4}\) is circled.

The line ends close to the \(\frac{3}{4}\) line between 17 inches and 18 inches. The line is about 17 \(\frac{3}{4}\) inches long.

Now that you have the length to the nearest quarter of an inch, you can answer the question. Remember, Zoe needs to be about 17 \({\frac{3}{4}}\) inches away from the net!


Was Zoe the correct distance from the net to make her shot?

Yes! Zoe was about 17 \(\frac{3}{4}\) inches away from the net.

Now use the steps to try this out on your own!

Read and Solve

Read the word problem below. Measure the line, and then choose the correct answer.

Zoe needs to stand about 18 \(\frac{1}{4}\) inches away from the net to make a different shot. This line below shows how far Zoe was from the net when she made a basket. Was Zoe the correct distance from the net to make her shot?

Zoe between 17 \(\frac{3}{4}\) and 18 inches away from the basketball hoop


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