

Money symbols and problem solving!



thinking monkey with bulls eye target


Goal: Solve money problems using money symbols.

Let’s dive into money problems with Rowdy the Monkey!

Friends took a skydiving trip. They had a $1.00 bill, 7 dimes, 1 nickel, and 7 pennies. How much money did the friends have altogether?

A parachute costs 85¢. If a skydiver had $1 and wanted to buy a parachute, what would be his change after paying for the parachute?

The skydivers added their money together to get 200¢. How can they write 200¢ using the dollar sign?

Try it on your own using this worksheet! Click the button below to get to the worksheet. When you are finished, submit your assignment to your teacher.

Solve Money Problems using Money Symbols