
Making a Sand Village

Here are the step-by-step instructions.



Click through the slideshow and follow the directions to make your sand village.

Cover Page

Add Sand

Carefully pour the sand into your plastic bin. Break up the sand and mix it together so that it covers the bottom of your bin.

Add Nature Items

Start adding natural items to your bin. You can add rocks, small flowers, sticks, or anything else that you find. Try to make a landscape where people or animals might live.

Add in Characters

Use small figurines to create characters for your village. You can use any toys that you would like. You can also add other objects to make different areas, like water (a blue lid or bowl) or grass (a green plate). Be creative with what you find.


Create a story about the characters that live in your sand village. What are their names, and what do they do? Have fun playing and creating stories for your village!

Set up your finished village and send a picture to your teacher. If you chose to use a plastic bin with a lid, simply close up the bin and put it away until you are ready to play with it again!


Happy African American boy.

Good work!

Smiling red haired girl.

Could do better.

Mad little boy.

Need to improve.

You completed your art work.

Most of your art work is complete.

Some of your art work is incomplete.

Most of your art work is incomplete.

Your work is done correctly.

Most of your art work is done correctly.

Some of your art work is done incorrectly.

Most of your art work is done incorrectly.

Your work is neat and tidy.

Your work is mostly neat and tidy.

Some of your work is neat and tidy.

Most of your work is not neat and tidy.

You put your best effort into your art work.

You put a good effort into your art work.

You put some effort into your art work.

You put little effort into your art work.