
Writing: Detail Sentences

audio buttonIt is time to finish writing your detail sentences for your paragraph.



writing walrus audio button It is time to finish up your detail sentences for the paragraph you have been working on. If you would like to review how to write detail or "yellow light" sentences for your paragraph, work your way through the slide show below.

audio buttonIf you do not need a review, finish adding your detail sentences to the paragraph you have been working on. You should write three sentences that come right after your topic sentence.

Little boy reading.

audio buttonA paragraph is a part or section of a story that has several sentences and is about one idea. You have picked a topic to write about and you wrote a topic sentence for your paragraph. You will take the details or facts that you wrote down and add those to your paragraph after the topic sentence.

traffic light

audio buttonThis week, you will learn how to add details to your paragraph. Remember how we called your paragraph a Traffic Light paragraph? The topic sentence was the green light sentence. The details or facts of the paragraph are going to be called the yellow light sentences. That means you need to slow down and explain more about your topic.

traffic light

audio buttonLet’s look at the paragraph below. Pay close attention to the sentences in yellow. Those are the detail sentences that support the topic sentence. They are the "yellow light" sentences.

My favorite place to go is the park. I like to go down the slippery slide. I also enjoy swinging high on the swings. Most of all, I love to meet my friends at the park and have fun and laugh with them. The park, by far, is my favorite place to go.

question mark

audio buttonWhat were the details in that paragraph?

I like to go down the slippery slide. I also enjoy swinging high on the swings. Most of all, I love to meet my friends at the park and have fun and laugh with them.

Those details supported the topic of going to the park, so those are the supporting details or sentences for this paragraph. Those are the "yellow light" sentences of the Traffic Light paragraph.

Little girl writing

audio buttonNow, it is time for you to get started writing your "yellow light" sentences for your paragraph. Good luck!