
Let’s Learn: Types of Distortions

How are maps and globes distorted?



boy looking at a map

Were you surprised to find out maps can be distorted? Now, let’s find out how they can be distorted!

Who draws maps? A cartographer is a person who draws maps. When a cartographer is making a map, they choose which way the map is distorted. Maps are distorted by distance, size, shape, and area. Some maps are distorted in only one or two ways. All maps have at least one area of distortion. Click on each tab to learn more!

map showing travel between destinaion points

On some maps, the distance between continents can be distorted. Some continents are farther apart than they appear on the map. Some continents are closer than they appear.

compass rose

Some maps show continents distorted by direction. Some continents appear farther north or south than they actually are. Some continents appear farther east or west than they are.

countries of all shapes and sizes

Some maps are distorted by shape. Continents may have parts that are bigger or smaller than they should be. Other continents have pieces that are shaped differently than they are in real life.

kids searching a map

Other maps are distorted by size or area. Some continents are shown as bigger. Some continents are shown as smaller.

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Here are some different types of maps with different distortions. Click on the map to make it bigger. Can you find differences between the maps?


What are the four ways a map can be distorted?

A map can be distorted by distance, direction, area, and shape.