
What should you include in your character sketch?

You've probably read many books that were filled with characters, but you might not have thought much about how those characters were created. In this lesson, you should have learned more about that process.

Teen girl of mixed race wearing casual clothes typing something on her laptop sitting outdoors looking at camera.

Use the checklist below to be sure you have included everything that's needed in the final draft of your character sketch. It should include:

  • the name of your character, as well as some of the characteristics you listed in the Character Traits document
  • both common and unusual character traits that make your character interesting
  • two or three paragraphs that introduce your character to readers, told from your character's unique first-person point of view
  • a mixture of strategies and techniques described in this lesson, such as differing sentence lengths, a variety of sentence beginnings, and different sentence types, including some fragments
  • one underlined or boldfaced intensive pronoun
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Turn it in!

When you are satisfied that your final draft meets all of this lesson's requirements, submit it to your teacher. Your work on this assignment will be graded using the rubric below.

Points Criteria
Character Traits
3 points
3 Your character has a mix of both familiar or common and unusual characteristics.
Point of View
3 points
3 Your character introduces him or herself using an engaging voice in first-person point of view.
Engaging Style
3 points
3 You introduce your character using a variety of sentence lengths, types, and beginnings, including some fragments.
Intensive Pronoun Use
3 points
3 You correctly use one intensive pronoun in your character sketch, and you either boldface or underline it.