
What kinds of characters stand above the rest?

Think about some of the characters you've read about or seen in movies. Which ones do you remember the best? Good characters can stick with you for a long time―not only what they look like, but also how they act and think. Memorable characters don't just happen, though―writers work hard to create them. This video explains what helps a character leave a lasting impression.

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Have you ever heard someone described as “quite a character”? Often this phrase means that the person has some very interesting qualities. In literature, writers often rely on such characters to attract readers and to keep them engaged in a story. See if you can separate the mundane from the marvelous: listen closely as each of these characters is introduced.

As Lola pulled on her designer jacket, she thought about all of her many friends. Of course, she was a very nice person. She smiled at everyone, laughed at everybody’s jokes, and never made fun of other people. She also liked helping everyone she met, and she was even kind to the bullies at school.

I ran my fingers through my short hair, making it stand on end. I felt like punching something, but I knew I’d get in trouble for that. “Jordan,” I told myself sternly, “Calm down!” Slowly but steadily, I worked to control my emotions. This time, it was difficult―after all, my best friend had been bullied again. “Think, Jordan,” I said out loud. “Don’t do something stupid―something you’ll regret.”

Regan looked down at his useless legs. The diving accident several years ago had put him in this hateful chair, but he wasn’t going to stay here forever. None of his family or friends knew his secret: He wasn’t seeing a science tutor after school. Instead, he was working with his coach to take the first baby steps that someday would lead to ditching the chair. While doubts sometimes haunted him, Regan was determined to succeed. “I’m going to walk again,” he said loudly to himself.

Which of these characters would you like to know more about?

Perhaps you chose Jordan because you can identify with his emotions of anger when someone is treated unjustly. Jordan is an intriguing character because in spite of his anger, he also has a great deal of self-control.

Or perhaps you chose Regan, who is determined to succeed at a difficult task, but still has doubts and fears about his success.

Most likely the one character you don’t want to read more about is Lola. She may be nice, but she’s also very boring!

Since writers want you to keep reading, they generally avoid characters like Lola, opting instead for those who will grab your attention right away. Not only are good characters people you can relate to, but they also have other fascinating character traits―characteristics that take them from “Meh!” to “Magnificent!”


What makes some characters in the video more interesting than others? What character traits make them interesting?