
What are the different parts of the Sun?

It is 1,400,000 kilometers in diameter. It would take over a million Earths to fill the amount of space taken up by the Sun. Because the Sun is so large, it has a strong gravitational attraction. The pull of its gravity is so strong that it holds all of the planets in our solar system.

The Sun is a yellow star and, like all stars, is made up of hot gases. The Sun has layers, but unlike the Earth, the layers are all gases, and there are no sharp dividing lines between them. The Sun has many layers: the core, the radiative zone, the convective zone, and the photosphere. In addition, there are two layers of gas above the photosphere called the chromosphere and the corona.

A solar prominence is a large "finger" of plasma that reaches out from the Sun's photosphere into the corona. It is made of plasma, and it often returns to the surface of the Sun in a loop.

parts of the sun


What is the outermost layer of the Sun?