
City and State Officials

What do public officials do?




The neighborhood you live in may be located in a city. Do you live in a city? What city do you live in? Click through the slideshow below to learn more about city and state public officials.


The public official in charge of your city is called the mayor. Who is your mayor? If you do not know, ask an adult to help you look it up online. Find the name of your mayor and a picture of him or her.

city seals

The mayor is the head of your city. The mayor won the election, so the majority of the adults in your city voted for this public official to serve as the mayor.

money, playground and streets

What is the mayor responsible for? The mayor decides how city money should be spent on construction projects, parks, city streets, and more.

Your city is in a state. Which state do you live in?

outline of the united states

The public official in charge of your state is called the governor. Who is your state's governor? If you do not know, ask an adult to help you find this information online. Find the name of your governor and his or her picture.

state seals

The governor is the head of your state. Just like the mayor, the governor won an election, so the majority of the adults in your state voted for this public official to serve as the governor.

scroll, soildier and money

What is the governor responsible for? The governor is in charge of the state laws, the state military, and the state taxes and money. The governor tells us how the state is doing.

Who is the public official in charge of the country? Click the arrow below to find out.