
Colonial Times

What was life like for European colonists in America?



Colonial family

Do you know what school looked like during colonial times?

one room school house

All ages attended school in a one-room schoolhouse. Also, mainly boys attended school, while girls stayed home to help their mothers.

Students learned from a hornbook. It had the alphabet, ten digits, and the Lord's prayer on it.

colonial church

In addition to the community school, the community church was another important place where colonists would meet.

Otherwise, most colonists spent time on their own property. Colonial families worked hard to live. The men and boys farmed, took care of the animals, and fixed buildings. The women and girls cooked and preserved food. They also made soap, made and washed clothes, and helped with the planting.

colonial woman holding corn, a man holding a pumpkin, and a woman holding a cooked turkey

Draw a picture on your timeline of something you learned about schools and communities in colonial times. Then write three words to describe their way of living.

Click the arrow to continue moving forward in time to the 1900s.