1950s Timeline Assignment
America in the Fifties.

In 1954, a big and important change happened in American schools. The Supreme Court ruled that schools could no longer be segregated. This means that all students, of all skin colors, could go to the same schools. Before this time, most schools were only for students of the same color.
The 1950s were a great time in America. World War II had ended, and there was a "baby boom" when lots of families were having babies. Many people started moving outside of the cities and into suburbs where new homes were being built. The government helped soldiers with buying a home, so it often cost less to buy a home in a suburb than renting an apartment in the city. Many women who were working in the cities started leaving their jobs to stay home with their children.

Draw a picture on your timeline of something you learned about the schools and communities of the 1950s. Then, write three words to describe their way of living. When you are finished, submit it to your teacher with your Weekly Written Work.
You will be graded using this rubric.
4 points |
3 points |
2 points |
1 point |
You completed your Social Studies work. |
Most of your Social Studies work is complete. |
Some of your Social Studies work is incomplete. |
Most of your Social Studies work is incomplete. |
Your work is done correctly. |
Most of your Social Studies work is done correctly. |
Some of your Social Studies work is done incorrectly. |
Most of your Social Studies work is done incorrectly. |
Your work is neat and tidy. |
Your work is mostly neat and tidy. |
Some of your work is neat and tidy. |
Most of your work is not neat and tidy. |
You put your best effort into your Social Studies work. |
You put a good effort into your Social Studies work. |
You put some effort into your Social Studies work. |
You put little effort into your Social Studies work. |