
Technology Can Help!

Learn about technology in communication.



laptop, tablet, iPhone

Today, you will learn about technology. What is technology? One definition says, "Technology is science or knowledge put into practical use to solve or invent useful tools." You are using technology to do this lesson. A computer, a tablet, and a cell phone are all examples of current technology. In addition to helping you learn, these devices can be used for communication or talking with others.

Grandparent and grandchild video chatting

If you do not live near your grandparents, you can both talk and see them over the phone and an app, or a computer and webcam.

A long time ago, you would only be able to write with a quill pen and ink and have it sent to your grandparents by a postman on horseback.

boy writing with a quill and ink

Click the Activity button to access the Technology in Communication worksheet, then complete the activity by circling new technology for communication and crossing out old technology. When you are finished, save it to submit with the other activities at the end of the lesson.

Click the arrow to learn about technology in transportation.